Campfire Sour

Campfire Sour

This cocktail has a story. A few years ago, we were camping with a group of friends. The sun had set, and we were all sitting around a smoky campfire. A bottle of bourbon was being passed around, and everyone would take a sip between the laughter and storytelling. The next day, the bourbon tasted delicious. Why? Because the smoke from the campfire had infused itself into the spirit. Right then, we knew we had to recreate that flavor.

The Campfire Sour is a smoky cocktail that instantly transports us back to that trip, even when we're stuck in the urban jungle of Brooklyn. Rye whiskey, maple syrup and lemon juice get combined in The Mason Shaker. A sprig of rosemary is set aflame and joins the mix to infuse the concoction with piney smoke. Give it a quick shake, pour over ice and enjoy. Campfire not required.

The Campfire Sour
Makes two cocktails

  • 3 shots rye whiskey
  • 1 1/2 shots fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 shot maple syrup
  • 1 sprig rosemary (plus 2 for garnish)
  1. Add rye whiskey, lemon juice and maple syrup to The Mason Shaker.
  2. Light sprig of rosemary on fire, and add it to the shaker (smoking end up). Cap and seal shaker, and let stand for 30 seconds so mixture can infuse with smoke.
  3. Add ice, and shake for 15 seconds.
  4. Strain over large cubes of ice. Garnish with remaining rosemary.
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